The course will cover (not necessarily strictly in that order):- various types of space projects – description of several past and current scientific space projects, including science objectives and technical and organisational challenges – comparison of the various challenges and drivers of the respective types of space projects – specifics of the ESA context compared to other space agencies and other organisations – public procurement (institutional funding of large projects, and space specifics), various private and hybrid funding schemes (as seen by the space agency player) – space project complexity management and risk management – space standardisation – space project team building and management – introduction to “New Space”. The course will emphasise the role of the project manager but will also deal with the roles of the other team members. The course will emphasise the European context, in particular that of European Space Agency projects, and specifically scientific projects, but other organisational settings and applications will also be discussed. The course will emphasise “Classic Space” management but significant discussion of “New Space” developments will also take place.
The students will acquire an understanding of the above topics, and in particular will be able to understand why different types of projects are organized in specific ways, at technical, managerial and political (mostly but not exclusively, funding) levels.